The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder

Patrons! Meet the Americans you may need one and here they are . . .

As the new rule becomes a rule in 2010 we are putting together a list of the players with US Passports.
It might be a chance to see the bright lights for many players who are on the borderline of going Pro or going home to work. If you want to be involved let us know. There are probably a few not on this list due to not paying membership or Passport’s unknown. Or we just missed someone, so let me know who you are. Make sure you you have a US Passport and I will put your name up on this list.

I want to help everyone to make this work maybe it will work maybe not but it is worth a try before it all dies out.

Known U.S. Players with Passports as far as we know they all have one:

10 goals – none

9 goals
Mike Azzaro
Nick Roldan

8 goals

Julio Arellano
Memo Gracida
Adam Snow
Carlos Gracida

7 goals

Jeff Blake
Tom Biddle
Jeff Hall
Louis Escobar
Hector Galindo
Owen Rhinehart

6 goals

Pelon Escapite
Kris Kampsen
Allen Martinez
Tiger Knece

5 goals

Carlos Arellano
Brad Blake
Joe Casey
Jason Crowder
John Gobin
Julio Gracida
Shane Rice
Nick Manifold
Bill Walton
Charlie Muldoon

Valientin Casset
Brandon Phillips
Eddy Martinez

4 goals

Stewart Armstrong
Joe W Barry
Andy Busch
Carlos Galindo
Nicolai Galindo
Ruben Gracida
Willy Hartnett
Bill Mudra
Matias Obergon
Tomas Obergon
Steve Orthwein
Robert Payne
Dan Juarez
Nick Snow
Joe Stuart
Boone Stribling
Miguel Torres
Rob Yackley
Costi Casset

Del Walton

3 goals

Oliver Butterworth
Robert Evans
Ulyess Escapite
John Flournoy
Craig Fraiser
Mark Guiterrez
Carlos Galindo Jr
John Eicher
Peter Cumming
Richard Knoth
Robert Knoth
Sunny Hale
Dan Walker
Matt Walker
Cody Woodfin
Brad Limehouse
Brian Middleton
Ted Moore
James Seward
James Wroe
Santiago Torres
Tony Vita
Mike Matz
Nick Cinifu
Topo Mendez

E-mail me your name if are a pro with a US Passport and I missed your name on the list.

See ya.

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