Polo Training Clinic for Pony Clubbers

Moonlight Pony Club (located near Norco, California) put on a Polo Training Clinic for their members during a mini camp over winter break. This year the group enjoyed Wilbur O’Ferrall’s energetic instruction on how to play polo. They started out learning with foot mallets and moved on to horses by the end of the day. They were actually playing on horseback by the beginning of the second day. Despite the 70 mile per hour winds and frozen ground they all agreed that it was a fun adventure and are looking forward to utilizing the program again next year.


Moonlight Pony Club took advantage of the wonderful training program put on by the Polo Training Foundation over Winter Break. Pictured here left to right is Wilbur O’Ferrall (instructor), Jason Fairchild, Breanna Weise, William Le Fevre, Stacia Arnold, Gloria Gearheart, Amanda Sanchez, Adrienne Le Fevre, and Brayden Weise

It was one of the easiest and most enjoyable mini camps I have ever put on.” Stated Marla Lefevre, the DC of the club. “The cost of the clinic was picking up the instructor from the airport, providing food and housing for him.” The only other thing they had to provide was the students, date, and site to hold the event. How easy is that? We had most of our member there for at least part of the time and 2/3 of them for the whole thing. It is not easy to put on things that all ages and level can enjoy but this was one of them. Those that participated ranged in ages from 8-19 years old and in riding levels from a D1-HB level. All seemed to wish the clinic was longer then the 1-_ days. When asked how the felt they all said they hope to do it again next year.

For more information or to arrange for your own clinic you can reach the Polo Training Foundation at 70 Clinton Street, Tully New York 13159 or call their office at 888-783-7050 Mr. Danny Scheraga it the Executive Director.

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