It was a good Summer not a great one but we did have 6 teams and everyone got along fine the adding of ERG field and Piocho Ranch was a huge help and Andy Buschs Field was also in play quite a bit these make SB aplace that could become big time if we could just get the Teams . The Weather was awesome a little cool as never got over 80 until August 22 and the for a short time and only 84 . The winners in the High goal season seen only FARMERS & MERCHANT winning 2 of them all others were solo shows :

Polo Classic won by LaHerradura – Bill Stetta ,Jason Crowder,Carlos Gracida
and Mariano Obergon over Farmers and Merchant
El Encanto Cup won by Farmers & Merchant Dan & Henry Walker Lucas Criado, & Michael
Dorignac Over La Herradura
Americas Cup won by Mansour/Restoration Hardware Ben Solemoni,Adam Snow, Hillario
Uloa Sant Von Wernich over Merchant Hub
Silver Cup won by FARMERS & MERCHANT BANK Dan & Henry Walker Lucas Criado and Nachi
Laprida over LA HERRADURA
Pacfic Coast Open won ERG Scott Wood, Sugar Erskine,Paco DeNaravez and Jeff Blake over

Next year 22 goals and 10 teams sounds good to me 2 Americans on ever team .

see ya

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