The Polo Report by Steve Crowder. Did you know we have been playing polo in the desert for 50 years? Did you know that 50 years ago there was probably no 4-goal polo in the desert at that time? After 50 years of polo being played in the desert are our athletes or polo players really getting worse? Or is the game going backwards? Its just a question. Please do not get upset. I personally think 4-goal/ 4 chukker polo is the problem with polo out on the West Coast. There is no motivation for advancement to higher levels of play. I know it is partially due to cash flow limitations, but it is not a learning level that is pass through to achieve a more advanced level of skill and play. It may be to a young pro who pass through to higher levels, but not a patron. It is a negative to the patrons, but they think this is good polo and it is, but not really. Why do I think this? This is my opinion and we all have one on this topic I am sure. I think that if people want to learn to play polo they should start with the Margarita Leagues or coaching chukkers. These two teaching leagues help new players learn the rules and positions on the field. In 4-goal leagues it is often filled with 3-patron teams and one professional player (pro). The Pro, in some cases, may not speak very good English as it is their second language for foreign pros. The Pro ends up doing most of the work and seldom lets anyone else in on a game plan. The teams who win are usually three established amateurs and one pro who knows the game well. The Pro is usually going the wrong way rating wise, but he knows how to win. Once in a while a Patron will hire 3 pros or upcoming players and they will always win in the end if they have anything to ride. This polo to me teaches new people nothing, but how to “leave it.” “Look out” or “get out of the way” or “follow me.” This is what the new players learn and that is 0 in learning. No pro wants to play 4-goal, but they have to in order to make ends meet. Otherwise they can make horses. How does this help polo? I know I sell polo, but if a person wants to learn the game the best way is to play 8-goal or higher. This puts the Patron as the weakest player on the team and he is surrounded by advanced players who are improving or proven polo players. The story with 4-goal is the Pros play it to pay the bills. If they are playing this level and cannot step up, its sad but they should not play. Polo is not a sport for the poor and never will be. If people want to play polo and they cannot afford to play over 4-goal or if they choose not to not move up, the Club should put them on field 5 at 9 a.m. and leave them there. The low-goal, low budget players should not be tearing up the good fields while paying a pro nothing and using club facilities three times more often than a Patron paying full price for high-goal. Another thing is low-goal polo is also the most dangerous level of polo in the World. You have a flying groom want-to-be polo player and often 6 other people who cannot ride or play well. This is no good for polo because the Patron knows it is dangerous and if you can afford to play polo you can definitely afford not to. Just my opinion . . . BAN 4-CHUKKER POLO under EIGHT GOALS.

See ya.

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