The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder

As good a weekend as you could get in Jan. in Southern CA. It was nice all over I hear, but really nice in the Coachela Valley.  There was some good Polo and great food out at Twin Palms as they hosted first finals of 2011 for the 8-10 Goal League of Empire/Twin Palms.  Robin, Rick and Trinity took on Mr Graham and his Bay Area Barrosa to a perfect field for the finals Jeff G and his side of Wright and young gun Jared Sheldon proved to much at the final bell led by Trotz vs Augi. Z and Guiti .  It was in the high 70’s and a light breeze to keep everyone happy if they were not already.  The Head Chef Carlos Cremaschi was turning out an awesome lunch for all and best of all booze and drinks + the special cooking was on the House … Thanks to Chris!!!!.

A morning visit at El Dorado found Thermal getting by Antelope in the best game of the day.  There was lots of speed and a new Face to the 8-goal as Rege Whyte impressed me a lot with good speed and discipline.  He just needs a few horses and maybe less grays and he will be here to stay as his team moves to 3 and 1.  All eyes are on the Fast-Etta (Mariano Fassetta) as he is the best player in the Desert and showing why. As he is mowing down the competition so far with Ron and Krista and their Hanalei Bay team.  It seems as things are picking up as a public sport. Lots of people at a 4-goal finals at Empire Polo and lot of tailgaters at both Twin Palms and Eldorado Polo where the fields look ok and other than just not a lot of games as once was.  They still have 7 teams in 8-goal and 6 in the 4-goal.  Talk is good and seems like lots of it for the future … hard to tell but it is getting close to Feb. so we need to hear the birds saying lets go PLAY POLO.

Will try to get some records posted soon because word so far does not add up 12 games so far so cannot be 7 winners.

Down South they are into the final 4 with Two Goodman teams going after a birth to the finals Mt Brillant with a big gun combo of Mile Azzaro and Nic Roldan and there little gun with a big hit is young Ulysees Escaptie and Mr Goodman. They Play Brother or Cousin, not sure, Bo and Faraway. He has Sugar Erskine and new 9-goaler Julio Arellano. On the other side it is Ms. Johnston as in Gillian and Bendabout taking on Luchesse without AC or JC, but still moving forward with Muse and Weise. The 14-goal has its first finalist as Jullian Mannix, Juan Curbrelo and Jason Crowder and the Canadian Hawks are undefeated and in the finals .

See ya at POLO.

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