There were four games. It all started early at the prime site of Piocho Ranch at 10 a.m. It is absolutely a gorgeous place to play polo. It is also the home center of Patron and Mr. Nice Guy Tom Barrack. Piocho Ranch is something to see anytime you’re in San Ynez area. Barrack did not get to play at home, however, and it was Audi surprising Klentner/Grand Champion in a battle to the end. Audi squeaked by with a 2-point lead at the final bell.
In the second game at high noon it was ERG, without wounded Patron Scott Woods, losing to a very tough Long Beach Team. Danny wants to fly and if you cannot fly then you’re in trouble or history. Then action moved south to Santa Barbara Polo Club. In a very good game it was Grant’s Farm and Zacara in a hard- fought battle. It looked like a runaway for a couple of chukkers as Grant’s Farm with Andy Busch on the field today got down by 5 or 6 in the second, but came roaring back and slugged it out to get even at the end of the 6th. I am not sure if they ever got in front. A very exciting overtime was seen as both teams fired at goal. Jeff Hall had a very good day, but in the end it was Zacara who got the golden goal to win a very tough game 3.
In the final game of the day it was brother against brother. Memo Gracida with Piocho Ranch and Captain Tom Barrack took on brother Carlos Gracida and Big John M. Captain of Luchesse, Boots of Texas. It was Luchesse up by 1 early, but they would not go up again until the 6th when the Palomino (Jason Crowder) pushed 1 in, but it did not hold as the Redhead tied it up again. A huge play by Tom Barrack to block out 8-goaler Carlos Gracida to set both Kris Kampsen and Julio free inside the final seconds and the Red put it in to prevent overtime. Both games reached 10 to 10, so it was good running polo and fun for the crowds, which need to grow for such good entertainment. I have not heard from the South yet, but their action started for August on Sat. and it will be a wild time from now until October where the Surf meets the Turf in San Diego.
See ya.