The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder

As the sun sets on the east coast tonight, the season will be fading into another year. It has, however, been a pretty good year for Florida Polo and I think the future continues to look bright. Two new centers popping up Valiente, which will no doubt be all class and Zacara, who share nearly the same property will become large in the Polo World. I think they could face each other this Sunday if the Rail Birds are right. It is Polo though and nobody knows until the Fat Lady sings. Both games bring some wonder to them. They are even far apart in the alphabet. ERG and south Texas take on the U.K .and Argentina. Zacara, who is on the west side of the property above are the defending Champs of the U.S. OPEN. ERG has been on a roll and it could be a show or the real deal.  The answer is only hours away.

In the other game it is the sole survivor from the Desert, Santi Torres, helping and hoping to get Valiente back to the finals after a bad luck last year when Adolfo Cambiaso broke his hand. Big Bob took over from Robert and it looks to finish the Final hole on his wall the U.S. OPEN. He has the Whitney and the Gold Cups tucked away from the last two years, but they have a scrappy but tough crew to deal with. At times they are really good and other times a bit lost. If they put it together today do not be surprised if they win. The leader of this team is the dynamic face and force in Polo, actually two of them … Gillian’s Parents Jill and Ski Johnston, who just always seem to be high on the list of every major show in town.  Read all about this evening on POLOZONE.COM as Alex Webb will be aboard to tell it like it was.

Zacara and Valiente are building centers much like The Coke team Head Quarters EVERGLADES. They are not far apart and it could be the future of Polo. Valiente will undoubtedly be amazing. I’m not sure who is designing it, but it cover the hole East side of Reserve. Zacara will have most of the West side and it lost a little of the class first designed by Lisa Linehan by moving it around and kind of piling it up, but will see if landscaping sets it out later.  With these and the Hilderbrand Property, which is defintley nice all coming on line I think Polo should be safe for a while in South FL. So be at Polo today if you can and lets hope Mother Nature makes it a great day.

See ya.


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