The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder
For the first time in 4 years, the Pacific Coast Open (PCO) at the Santa Barbara Polo Club starts with players knowing that Adolfo Cambiaso (AC) is not ahead. Comfort? Maybe, but it will still be a big one. As of today all 6 teams have a chance to win it, so that is good. We have had 3 tournaments so far and 3 winners, so why not 4? La Heredura with Biily Stetta won the first tournament. Then Mansour blazed through the second with Big Ben and then it was F&M and the Walkers Dan and Henry holding the Silver. So all 3 could be favorites, but it is anybody’s tournament to win or lose and 5 will lose.
A look at the teams :
Bracket A for no other reason than it is bracket 1
Dan Walker
Ignacio La Prida
Lucas Criado
Henry Walker
The only two-patron team and already carrying the biggest Silver of the season to date, the Silver Cup. The Patrons on this team carry a 2-goal handicap and back it up with speed and tough play. They have a Father who made them this way. Play to win and have fun they do. Henry has one of these in his closet already and is looking strong for a second one. Dan likes to play Polo and it does not matter if it is 0-goal or 26-goal. He will be there. Lucas is proven. He is fast, quick and a bit noisy, but always going forward. Laprida, well he is just very young, very quick and very good in the fast lane to higher up. This team will be problem and I guarantee if you want to run against them you will come out in 2nd place.
Scott Wood
Sugar Erskine
Paco de Narvaez
Jeff Blake
The only Player on this team without a PCO on his resume is the leader, Scott Wood. He intends to change that. They have not played well yet, but the time has come and it may very well happen. The big thing about this team is that word “TEAM.” Can they be one? If so, they will be Champions.
Restoration Hardware :
Ben Solemoni
Adam Snow
Hilario Uloa
Santi VonWernich
They have it all … speed and experience. This team has already been successful with a win in The America’s Cup. They have a balanced team. Ben has been playing well and HU is the fastest player on the planet. Adam has the knowledge and Santi has been outstanding. I am just not sure if they have the horse power to continue at this pace. They have 4 games and they have been going very hard, so time will tell if they do. If so, they will do it.
The other side … as the first 3 play the last 3 and it will be all about winning to determine who goes on to the semis.
Catamount :
Scott Devon
Julio Gracida
Brandon Phillips
Mike Azzaro
It is Scott’s first time, but he has played a lot of polo and knows where he is. I’m not sure if he is sizing up Santa Barbara or looking to conquer. I think from the little I know about him, he is here to have a look. It could be a good look as he has experience and youth with Brandon and Mike and a lot of energy with Julio. Yes, he has the names Azzaro and Gracida. You can fill your pocket with U.S. Opens with those names. Mike was last years MVP and added a 2nd Open to his name this decade. I do not see this Team as a fit, but it will not be first time I was wrong. As I see it MA @ 50 is the fastest and toughest man on the team and the highest-rated player.
Lucchese :
Andres Weisz
Pelon Sterling
John Muse
Triple Champions of this Cup, but lacking 2 things this year. One is Adolfo Cambiaso and most of all, his horses. I think Pelon is the best here, but he does not have Cabmiaso’s horses and that tells the story as they say horses are 7 % of your game. Cambiaso always seemed to add a couple to another player, just so they could be where he wanted, when he wanted them there. That is the way I see it. A very good team without the soldiers to carry them.
La Herradura :
Alvaro Fernandez
Carlos Gracida
Memo Gracida
Mariano Obergon
They have it all! Very good horses, a lot of history, a lot of talent, but do they have the stamina to face the youth? Maybe if the weather stays cool. They are well-mounted, but it is what it is. Memo and Carlos are facing men 50 years younger than them in some combos and that is a big step no matter who you are. Even Bret Farve found that out. These were two of the premier players in the world for most of 3 decades. If you were here last Sunday you saw the smoothness and accuracy of their passes. It has passed their ability to find the open man so quick and be gone to goal. They will be there, but I do not see them winning this one.
Here is SUNDAY’S Lineup
10 A.M FMB vs CATAMOUNT @ Piocho Ranch. Do not worry. It is a fantastic place owned and operated by the TOM BARRACK, so nothing but class.
1 PM SB Polo club ERG vs Lucchese
3 PM SB Polo club Restoration Hardware vs La Herradura
Thursday Aug. 22:
10 am @ Piocho Restoration Hardware vs Lucchese
2 pm @ ERG Catamount vs ERG
4 pm @ SB Polo FMB vs La Herredura