The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder
I thought it was ill timed for the U.S. Open to air on TV. It was not done during a time when you can get people motivated to go out to and watch polo or to inquire about lessons. The polo season was over in S. Florida by the time it aired, but maybe viewers will notice it locally tie the two together.
I thought the game was well done. Adam Snow made it that way in his simple easy matter of fact way. Well done MR. SNOW.
I think when the USPA thinks T.V. they should never leave Adam Snow out. I talked to several non-polo people and they were very impressed by the game and were very complimentary about what they called the analyst. Not sure what that means, but it was Adam and his simple easy insight of the game for anyone to comprehend. It was also done quite well by the film people, whom I doubt do much filming of polo.
It was a very good game and Calgary’s Alegria and Julian Mannix did deserve to win, but I think there is no doubt Mariano controlled the field with a great presence. This may not have happened if Adolfo Cambiaso would have been there. No doubt it has to be an A + for Polo. It is the same, however, every year. These opportunities are always at the end of the year or season so polo disappears for 8 months or mor . Why do we not have some huge event at the start of the Season, so we can get the following of the public and the press?
More comments on SB question about lowering Handicap to 16 :
Whats with you jumping on the Snow bandwagon? First you want him to take over SB polo and now you are contending he was good on the uspa “infomercial” for polo. He sounded like he was whispering and they only showed 4 chukkers! It’s not an 8 month wait IT’S 12. The ratings totally sucked…which means you were pretty much watching by yourself. Not bad for a $200,000. investment. After three years your boy Jim hasn’t found a single sponsor. He’s robbing them for another $100K a year. All money well spent????
Not sure why the first commenter went after SB … I liked the point of the actual post, which was to give props to a good announcing job. Good to hear it!
20 goal polo made SBPRC unique on the West Coast and brought the best like Cambiaso, the Gracidas and other 10 goalers to play over the years. Those games will be gone with 16 goal polo. If 16 goals will draw more teams, why not drop it to 12 goal and bring even more? Oh wait-there is 12 goal and only 4 teams are playing.