The Polo Report by Steve Crowder. THE FINAL SUN SETS ON SANTA BARBARA FOR ’06 – The season in Santa Barbara ended today with a newcomer on top. Cam Clark Ford came down from Calgary to play in the Wickenden Cup. They were challenged by an unbeaten Klentner/Prime in a Saturday afternoon show down which saw Patron Cam Clark score two big goals to help Guti (Mariano Gutierrez) and the flying Fargy’s (Brother and sister combo Dayelle and Kyle Fargy who are both rated 2 goals) dominate Klentner/Prime. Little Ben and his team Mansour II took a thrashing from Chadmar and they all have one game to go today. Cam Clark will play Chadmar/Ladin and Gehache will deal with Mansour. It could end up in a 3-way tie with 3 teams for # 1. The position would go to Klentner/Prime on net goals even though they were beaten by Cam Clark Polo.

So come on up to Santa Barbara if your looking for your final fix in 2006. It’s only about 6 hours away from San Diego and the CA desert area.

Down south at San Diego Polo Club the new people on the block were coming hard as Joy Bancroft and Tracee Mulvaney make it a lot prettier out there. They have a Flower running for them by the name of David who says he is ready for the big time. If you want to learn about polo, then it is time you play polo. Just stop on by San Diego Polo Club They are doing a great job building a future for polo. Call 858-481-9217 for information and just bring your boots and a helmet. We will take care of the rest. Don’t forget your check book as Mr. Ed does have to eat. It maybe your first step into a world you will never leave. WE call that world POLO. See ya.

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