The Polo Report by Steve Crowder – Debbi $ would have been proud of this bunch of hard-riding Ladies. They a like to primp when not playing polo as they were pampered well after polo I hear with manicures, pedicures, massages, facials and frills. They should have had a coat party as it has gone from paradise in Costa Careyes where women went from polo to bikinis to Indio, CA were the last two nights the temp changed from polo to polar bear habitat. Indio has set a record cold for these last couple of days with dates going back to 1954 and needless to say few of these ladies were anything but a thought then. Anyway on with polo. In the A flight it was a barn burner with Yuma and a band of Wild women taking on Pami Sue (Kim Larson) and her Golf Car Doctors or 4 states vs 2 states. On Yuma was Teresa Volmer from North Dakota or Arizona, Darling Dana from Florida and from the Rockies Erica and the Teacher Joselyn from California. They took on Pami Sue (Kim Larsen ) and her Larsen Cart Squad with Oregon Lady Malia and Cybele Jordan with the solid Vicki Owens at the Captians chair. It was close all the way and it was just by a whisker, none of them have them, the Arizona led squad put their name on the WIN side and head to the finals on Sunday. In the B Flight it was Mrs. Jessica Bailey Mano lacking her normal fire and getting beat. Must be the horses (just kidding) . . . I just wanted to pick on her, but I do know the Voice Objects did lose.
Down South it was the yellow flag bringing Little Mac (Frederick Mannix, Jr.) down as in Argentina they do not play as much politcs in their disilpline as we often or always do. Lucas Criado received two yellow flags in a earlier match and was set down by the Association and unable to compete in the semis with Frederick and Jeff Hall, so they picked up Carlos Gracida. Its hard to change like this in 30 goal polo overnight and it was too much as they lost the semis by a goal. One Yank did make it to the finals, however, as “Nick the Stick” Roldan continues to smoke and he is in the finals with California old timer Mariano Gonzalez. So the smoke will settle today if they can play in Buenos Aires. La Dolfina and El Paraíso get it on it should be a bone-grinder as there are some very tough people in that game. They are all 9 or 10 goals as well.
Here is a roster of the Sexy Chicks in the Ladies at El Dorado Polo Club . . .
Bracket A
Yuma – Terese Volmer, Dana Aschinger, Erica Gandomcar, Joslyn Parker
Urban Dog – Kim Garced , Caroline Anier , Julie Roenish , Susan Stovall
Larsen Cart – Kim Larsen , Cybil Jordan , Malia Mccoy , Vicki Owens
Bracket B
Voice Objects – Betty Pope , Bonnie Carter , Trish Fitzgerald,Jessie Bailey
Deer Creek – Kit Neacy – Lynn Hutton , Briana Galindo , C. Anier
Tackmart – Tania Paneno , Sherry Gundlach , T. Volmer , V. Owens
Aspen – Lani White , Susan Guggenhein , Cecilia Chen , Gina Padillia
Sudoka – Kate Webber , NancyLee Myatt/Pam Pierce Suki Piper, G. Brown
There is action starting at 10:30 AM on the frozen tundra. See you there.