Polo Club Funding
By Denny Geiler,
USPA Governor of the Pacific Coast Circuit

Polo Development Initiative (PDI) is a program developed by the USPA to funnel funds to the grass roots of the polo industry in order to develop and grow polo clubs and therefore membership in the USPA.  Club funding is the main thrust of the program.

Up to $10,000 annually (up to a maximum of 4 years) on a reimbursement basis is available to USPA clubs to fund programs that are designed to increase the clubs membership.  Examples are hiring a marketing director, development of a website, advertising, marketing, hiring an assistant club manager, hiring a polo instructor, purchasing additional polo school horses, assistance in the cost of maintaining school horses, or creating a marketing brochure.

The application form is on the USPA website under PDI.  The applicant will outline a short history of the applicant club, its existing administration and structure and a description of the program or programs it would like funded by the PDI funding.  Once the application is approved, the applicant will file a report with Ed Armstrong of the USPA with a description of the success of the program outlined in the application along with copies of checks and invoices to show that the club did spend its own money on the programs set forth in the application. Once approved a reimbursement check from the USPA will be issued with the next regular accounts payable cycle.

Tacoma Polo Club used its funds to rejuvenate a lesson program.   The program was very successful and restarted a polo program that was suffering from the effects of the economy.  The Orange County Polo Club used its funds to restart its polo school after being dormant for 3 years.  The result is a vigorous polo club and additional USPA memberships.  The San Diego Polo Club is using its funds to pay for a polo school administrator which increased the participation in its school program.  Eric Wright and Horse Park Polo used its funds to increase its polo school which resulted in 26 new club and USPA memberships.

One of the features of the program is that first year Associate, Collegiate or Junior USPA memberships are free to new members of clubs receiving PDI funds.  This gives the new member/student a subscription to Polo Magazine which gives them a feeling of being a part of the polo community.  In addition, they receive the liability insurance which is a benefit to all of us.

If your club has a program to increase its membership and use a little boost from the USPA go to the website and fill out the application.  If you have questions contact Ed Armstrong (earmstong@uspolo.org) or Denny Geiler (denny@poloproperties.com).

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