The first and second halves at Greenwich yesterday were like two different games. White Birch dominated the first half, and was up 9-3 at half-time in a sticky half. In the second half play was considerably more wide open, and end to end. Cinque Terre dominated the second stanza and held White Birch to just one goal. But in the end White Birch held on, and won 10-9, to win the warm-up tournament.
The first chukker was the “Miguelito Torres Show,” as he scored four times on penalty conversions. He continued his offensive display in the second chukker with two goals from the field, and gave White Birch at 6-2 lead at chukker’s end. The Aguerre family went on offense. In the third chukker as Mariano scored twice from the field, and Martin scored on a field goal.
“At the half we had a meeting, and discussed what we had to change,” said Cinque Terre patron, Alessandro Bazzoni. He did not elaborate as he knew his team would have to face White Birch again in the upcoming Tommy Glynn and East Coast Open tournaments at Greenwich.
“Magoo” LaPrida was the offensive star of the second half, with four field goals, including two in the sixth chukker. With only 14 seconds remaining, White Birch was called for a penalty. Chino Fraysinnet blasted a long fly ball from mid field to within a few yards of goal but, saw it picked up by White Birch, which was able to kill the remaining seconds.
Bazzoni, who had three field goals, was named MVP. The Best Playing Pony was Minina, owned by Mariano Aguerre, and played by him in the second chukker.
Bazzoni felt his team’s performance in the second half was a good indication that his team can play with White Birch. He also feels his string is as good as that of White Birch.
With a 2-0 record, White Birch won the warm-Up Tournament
CINQUE TERRE: Alessando Bazzoni (0), Gaston Lisioli (6), Magoo LaPrida (7), Chino Fraysinnet (7).
WHITE BIRCH: Santiago Torres (2), Martin Aguerre (4), Mariano Aguerre (10), Miguelito Torres (4)