tomorrow it will be a game for the birds and the thing is they are going to be flying and they come from two very different places with two very different meanings . Here is a definition of a Hawk Loosely, to mean almost any bird of prey outside of the order Strigiformes (owls). However the Owls will be the prey tomorrow and the Owls also have another name Lechuza which in Texas and Mexico is sort of a myth of a very big and bad bird with unknown powers, kind of entertaining when you read the Lechuza meaning but I doubt it will be on the mind of the Hawks they are Canadian Hawks and they love to soar at a moments notice they will be going very fast and they know the prey it is called a goal . Despite the Bird names which both are birds of prey these two teams will both be rockin both patrons Julian and Victor 35 years difference in age are avid players they like speed and thrills they will have them today . Victor loves fast cars and Julian likes fast anything he comes by it honestly Big Bro Fred jr has never done anything slow and the Big Mac just slows with age not mind they also come from the Country of Canada where it is cold today , Victor comes from Venezuela near the equator and he likes it warm but both know the winner goes to the finals and there they meet Valiente and another cold weather the Man from the Rockies Big Bob so the game is on the ages are similar the men are all polo it is just one to make the difference as often is the case THE HORSE so we shall see. It is possible Valiente and the Hawks could be playing the finals of the first 26 goal a bit odd when you think of it these two teams minus some players were playing 24 months ago in Indio in the finals of the 12 goal . The World is not as big as you think.

see ya

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