Hector Galindo, Stacey Galindo and Carlos Galindo during Spreckel’s Cup at San Diego Polo Club in 2000.
Hector Galindo was at his pinnacle as a 9 goal player and has hoisted the winning trophies of numerous major American tournaments that include the 30-Goal World Cup, the Silver Cup four times, 26-goal Hall of Fame Cup, C. V. Whitney and was a winner of the Polo Excellence Award in 1999. Although aggressive and fast on the field his good nature and consummate sportsmanship have endeared him to his fellow players and fans. Part of a large polo playing family, Hector in a 2008 interview credits his father and brothers as his mentors and said that they taught him to “train hard, play the game fairly and take good care of my horses.”
Posthumous Hall of Fame inductee, William “Billy” Post, was born into a polo family for whom breeding ponies was its principal business, so it is little wonder that as an 8-goal polo star Post made his mark as a stellar horseman and formidable hitter. For his talents he was lauded as one of the greats, engaged in battle with the other American heroes of the golden age of polo in the 1930s, part of a “band of brothers” along with the likes of Hitchcock and Milburn. He ably notched wins in the most important contests of the era both in the U.S. and abroad, but with his career cut short with the onset of WWII, he continued his interest in horses and became a successful breeder and trainer of race horses.
Russ Sheldon is being honored posthumously with the Iglehart Award. For over 25 years Russ dedicated countless hours to the sport. He has been recognized with numerous awards that are a testament to his contagious passion and excitement for polo, a love that he eagerly passed on to his children, grandchildren and countless others. He started Poway Polo Club and was a champion of “grass roots polo” in California, a passionate promoter of Arena Polo and a devout mentor and supporter of youth polo programs. His contribution to the USPA Intercollegiate-Interscholastic program and the initiatives that he put in place will continue to benefit the sport for decades to come.
Califa, a bay gelding foaled in 1996 is the durable war horse played by Mariano Aguerre in many memorable contests. Gathering a number of best playing pony awards along the way, he ultimately earned the Hartman Award for BPP for his gritty and intense play for two chukkers under Aguerre in the 2004 U.S. Open. Aguerre called on Califa again for the 2005 high-goal season and the gutsy gelding didn’t disappoint as they fought together through numerous crucial games helping the team take all three 26-goal tournament victories. He was recognized as Horse of the Year in 2006.
The induction ceremony, a gala event, will be held at the Museum of Polo on February 12th, 2016. It is the most important fundraising event for the Museum each year, so we hope you will help support your Museum – a 501 (c) 3, not-for-profit organization. If you would like to join in the celebration to welcome the new inductees into the Polo Hall of Fame, you may purchase seats for the dinner up to a week in advance. Reservations are $200.00 each (tax deductible portion $100.00).