Empire Polo Club
January, 29th, 2017
On Sunday, January 29th, Empire Polo Club held a special ceremony and field dedication at the finals of the 4-Goal USPA General George S. Patton Tournament.
In honor of Patton’s military accomplishments and to celebrate his love of horses and the sport of Polo, Empire Polo Club dedicated and named it’s main Sunday Polo Field the “The General Patton Field.” A new flagpole and plaque honoring General Patton was unveiled during the ceremony.

Patton once commented “The virtue of polo as a military accomplishment rests on the following: it makes a man think fast while excited; it reduces his natural respect for his own safety, that is – it makes him bold; it teaches restraint under exciting circumstances… nearest to mounted combat; makes riding worthwhile; keeps a man hard and teaches better horse management.”
Sylvester Stallone and Helen Patton, granddaughter of General George S. Patton, Jr. and Honorary Chair of the General Patton Museum, were the guest speakers at the ceremony.

Immediately following the ceremony, were two featured polo matches. Empire Polo Team defeated Prima Polo 11- 6 in the finals of the USPA Gen. George S. Patton Tournament Finals.
Score by the chukker: 2-3, 5-4, 7-4, 10-4, 11-5, 11-6

Most Valuable Player was awarded to Ignacio Detour.
Best Playing Pony was awarded to Jim Wright’s Mare, Chimichurri.
Photos by Jim Bremner. Click here to view his gallery.