Congratulations to the American Polo Horse Association
2009 Year End Award Winners!

Congratulations Califa, Mariano Aguerre,White Birch and all of Califa's Grooms on this historic award!
Owen Rinehart / ISINYA HDC
Congratulations to Owen Rinehart /ISINYA HDC for their outstanding performance of homebreds on the polo field in 2009.
Not only did Owen Rinehart and Isinya HDC produce, train and play these APHA registered Best Playing Pony winners below, the majority of his horses playing the Florida High Goal season as well as in
Sheridan,Wyoming and Aiken,South Carolina in 2009 were homebreds.
About the breeding program:
Based in Aiken South Carolina, Owen and Georgina Rinehart’s ISINYA HDC (horse development corporation) was essentially started in 1993. With Georgina’s insight and love of animals her dream of having foals running around the farm started with the purchase of Amber Shoes a Topsider stallion bred by Centennial farms of New York. Owen first viewed Amber Shoes playing at Vero Beach polo club for Adam Snow and after the purchase took him to California in 93 to play in the U.S. Open. His foals have raked up numerous Best Playing Pony awards in Florida and South Carolina. In 1996 Dicky and Francis SantaMarina generously gave an agricultural award winning stallion to the Rinehart’s to continue on the line of La Fortuna in the United States. This Stallion’s name was Lord Franco. His foals have been adding to the BPP awards, winning from 22 goal up to 30 goal. In 1999 River became the next generation of polo stallions. He was the son of Amber Shoes and New Zealand bred Angie. River followed in his father’s foot steps by being one of a few polo playing stallions.Not to be out done, Dicky SantaMarina offered to Georgina the pick of the stallions on a visit to Argentina in 2000. She picked Lord Lizard. As it turned out he is by the same stallion as Aiken Cura the 2005 and 2006 BPP for Palermo’s Susan Townley Trophy.
For more information about the breeding program and his current lineup of stallions and polo pony
pedigrees visit Owen and ISINYA at

(Amber Shoes X I'm Courtney) 2009 Best Playing Pony Joe Barry Mem. Cup (SF) 20gl International Polo Club, FL Owned, played and bred by Owen Rinehart / ISINYA HDC