. . . mistake as in the two finals on Sunday. There will be 3 players playing for a double. In low goal its Ms. Wilson and Adeptus taking on the 2 R’s of OC/true Choice (Robert Kiger, Rick Paicius, Clemente Zavaleta and Ashton Wolf). Adeptus has Jessica Bailey-Mano and Tomas Obregon who are also only in the 4-goal finals, but also the 10 goal finals with Gary Haydon, Clemente Zavaleta and the Palomino (Jason Crowder) on the Phoenix team. They play against Madison Square/Tri Tech
Also our V.P. was President for a while today during President Bush’ colonoscopy. Maybe Haliburton was able to spin off another company during this time? They need to pump up their market. Yes, its very good weather in tht West and if you do not see polo Sunday it is your loss. See ya.