Horse Health Tracker App

Horse Health Tracker App

Assisi Animal Health is the creator of the Assisi LoopTM, an effective non-pharmaceutical and anti-inflammatory device (NPAID). The Loop is a PEMF therapy for equine animals that can treat chronic injuries and reduce the need for NSAIDS, which can have harmful side...
Dos and Don’ts for Taking your Dog to Work Event

Dos and Don’ts for Taking your Dog to Work Event

Dog lovers across the region will be taking their pets to work the week of June 22-26. The annual “Take the Dog to Work” event celebrates the bond between people and their canine companions and demonstrates the joys of being a pet parent. Bringing your dog...
Brikk Launches Gold and Diamond Dog Harness

Brikk Launches Gold and Diamond Dog Harness

The handmade Lux Dog Harness aims to afford unmatched opulence to exclusive dog owners worldwide Today the design and branding pioneers at Brikk announce the launch of their Lux Dog Harness. Brikk has collaborated with international pet brand Buddy Belts to create a...
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