by Staff Writer | Sep 18, 2009 | Archives
PoloZONE on Facebook PoloZONE’s “Fan” count reached 992 today. We are 8 fans away from the 1000 marker. Help us break 1000 by becoming a FAN. Please click here to become a fan today! Why become a fan? Fans of PoloZONE receive updates with links...
by Staff Writer | Sep 15, 2009 | Archives
PRESTONWOOD POLO CLUB FALL SEASON PRESS RELEASE Prestonwood’s second Fall season begins with its one year anniversary on September 5th with a reception by the Ladies Polo Auxiliary of Texas in the pavilion. The first tournament of the season is the LPA tournament and...
by Steve Crowder | Sep 13, 2009 | Archives
The Polo Report By Steve Crowder Patrons! Meet the Americans you may need one and here they are . . . As the new rule becomes a rule in 2010 we are putting together a list of the players with US Passports. It might be a chance to see the bright lights for many players...
by Staff Writer | Sep 11, 2009 | Archives
Hanalei Bay takes home bronze trophies in the Fernando Gutierrez Memorial Cup (8-10 goal) finals. Teammates (left to right) Krista Bonaguidi (-1), Matias Obregon (4), Mariano Fassetta (6), and Ron Bonaguidi (0) received them presented by Monique and Fernandito...
by Staff Writer | Sep 11, 2009 | Archives
More about the Polo Pony Retirement Foundation Horse Seizure Letter from Lindsey & Story – One happy ending! I’m not sure whether y’all have been following the Polo Pony Retirement Foundation story that seems to keep getting worse and worse (you...
by Staff Writer | Sep 9, 2009 | Archives
Polo Pony Status and Basic Information Concerning Polo Pony Retirement Foundation Horse Seizure as of Sept. 8, 2009 at 9:00 pm EST Site for more info. about this 20 dead horses…all in different stages of decomposition. That is what...