Tip #2: Proper Transitions-Huh?

A transition in equitation is simply a change from one gait (walk-trot-canter) to the next. Walk to trot, trot to canter, etc. One of the benchmarks of a amateur developing proper riding skill is learning how to properly execute the walk to canter transition. This requires that you are able to collect your horse or have them in-hand before asking for the canter. A beginner will simple let the reins loose and start kicking. The horse will usually speed the walk, then break into the trot, and then finally into the canter. Now on my lazy days, I still have beginner moments. But the better way is a clean walk-canter-transition.

At a walk, I first take a slight hold of the reins and begin to add pressure with both of my lower legs. I want a lively walk without the horse breaking into a trot. The horse will pick their head up a bit and should take a shorter but livelier step. The horse is now prepared for you to ask for whichever lead at the canter. If you want the right lead, you add pressure with your outside(meaning outside of the circle you intend to go in)-left leg and pull the horse’s nose into the right just a tad. These are the cues to let the horse know you want the right lead. The horse should raise up just a little and basically step into the canter without any trotting strides. It is a balance of how much leg to add while you are still steadying the reins. You only begin to release your hand when the horse begins the canter. Now if you and the horse pull off a nice transition, but get the wrong lead, just come back to a trot and ask again. If you do not get a nice transition, come back to a walk and try again. Keep the corrections separate so that the horse does not get confused.

And by all means, be patient. Remember to drive with your legs and guide with your hands. In other words, you can always increase pressure with your leg, but be very careful with your hands.

And what does this have to do with polo you might ask? Knowing transitions is knowing how to collect a horse. Knowing how to collect a horse is what helps get the horse around quicker and safer. That defines itself as more plays for more years. Other than that, I can’t think of anything. Happy Polo !!

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