Attention horsemen – EHV1 shipment advisory
As you may know, there is a serious and deadly outbreak of the neurological form of herpes viral infection (ehv1) in Florida. As of December 24th, 5 horses have died and many more have tested positive. Several barns are under quarantine in Wellington, Ocala and the Calder race track in Miami. The origin traces back to 5 horses from Europe that all went into a New York state quarantine facility. One of these horses, a Warmblood, after traveling to the Midwest, was flown to the Ontario airport here in California. It shipped to Rancho Santa Fe in San Diego County. This horse showed immediate neurologic signs and died. State officials have tracked and tested those horses that were in contact with this horse. Latest information seems to indicate that two yearlings shipped to the Fresno area have tested positive for EHV-1, but as yet have shown no clinical signs of the disease. This is good news, but things could change.
For this reason the management of the El Dorado Polo Club is asking anyone shipping horses that have originated from Florida into the club for stabling or play to advise them in advance. We are asking everyone to help out. This would include all pro, sponsor or sale horses. Obviously, this would also include anyone from the surrounding ranches who have brought horses from Florida that plan on coming to play or practice. As you can see, it only takes one horse to start a serious, and potentially deadly, scenario. Depending on the changing conditions of this situation, determinations may have to be made for temporary isolation of these horses and possible testing so as to protect the health and safety of the rest of the equine population. At this time, no other restrictions or recommendations are being implemented. Thank you for your help.