The Mid_Month League Finals
January 16th 2011
The first finals of the season at Empire Polo Club and Twin Palms was celebrated with BBQ’s, Champagne Divot Stomps and some very competitive matches. There were three leagues competing for trophies during the mid-month finals including: 8-10 Goal, 4-Goal and 1-Goal (2 Brackets).
Twin Palms Polo Club hosted the finals of the 8-10 Goal League for Empire/Twin Palms. Spectators sat along the berm and watched as Jef Graham’s Barrossa Team defeated Trinity in a fast game under sunny, blue skies. A fabulous Argentine Asado was prepared by Carlos Cremaschi. A special thank you to to Chris & Laura Maloney for hosting such a nice weekend for the players at Twin Palms!
The 4-Goal Finals were well attended at the Forum Field at Empire Polo Club. The Empire Polo Team defeated Manila Polo to take home the finals trophy. In an earlier match, Atlant won the 1-Goal Finals for the A Bracket. Fresh and Easy won the B Bracket finals that were played at an earlier time on field 7.
Game reports and more details to come later this week.
Sunday Polo will resume on Field 3, The Rose Garden Field this coming weekend (January 23rd, 2011).
Click here to view photos from various games throughout the weekend.

Barrossa won the 8-10 Goal Finals. From left to right: Jared Sheldon, Erik Wright, Jef Graham and Santiago Trotz.

Trinity was the runner-up in the 8-10 Goal Finals. From left to right: Rick Paicius, Mariano Guttierrez, Robin Paicius and Agustin Zavaleta.

Empire Polo Team won the 4-Goal Finals. From left to right: Alex Haagen, III, Charlie Peterson, Mrs. Haagen, Lolo Payan and Rob Scapa.