
PoloZONE on Facebook

PoloZONE’s “Fan” count reached 992 today. We are 8 fans away from the 1000 marker. Help us break 1000 by becoming a FAN.  Please click here to become a fan today!

Why become a fan? Fans of PoloZONE receive updates with links everytime a new article is posted on PoloZONE.com.  It is a great way to keep up with your polo news while networking with your friends and fellow polo players on Facebook.

Fans of PoloZONE’s Facebook Page can also post comments about articles or other polo news.  If your club is having an event or if you want to share game results from a tournament, please share you polo-related news on PoloZONE’s Facebook Page.

View PoloZONE’s Facebook Page by clicking here.



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