12 teams from around the world vie for the championship
at Tianjin Metropolitan Polo Club
The action continues at Asia’s first ever Snow Polo World Cup at the Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan Polo Club (“Metropolitan Polo Club”). Hosted by the Equestrian Association of China and the Federation of International Polo (FIP), the “Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012” (“Snow Polo World Cup”) is one of the world’s largest snow polo tournaments, and the first to take place in China. The Tournament is drawing a large number of prestigious guests including, ambassadors from the participating countries, polo professionals and prominent elites.
There are altogether twelve teams taking part in this year’s tournament and each team’s handicap ranges from 14-16, making this international high-goal tournament one of the largest in the world. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, France, England, Hong Kong, China, India, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA are all competing to become the first winners of the inaugural Snow Polo World Cup. All are members of the Federation of International Polo (FIP).
Final Scores on the Fifth Day of the “Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012”
The bright sunny weather and gusty wind made conditions challenging for today’s competing teams.
The opening match of the fifth day of the Tournament was between England and the USA. After a tie in the first chukka England managed to edge ahead in the second, keeping the upper hand until the end, finishing 5:4 ahead.
Hong Kong, China played against Argentina in the second game of the day, with Hong Kong, China taking an early lead, although Argentina managed to force a tie by the end of the second chukka. Hong Kong, China broke the status quo at the end of the game, beating Argentina 7:6.
The final game of the day was between South Africa and India. South Africa took an early lead, and despite India’s efforts to close the gap, South Africa took a decisive 9:2 win.
Results for “Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012” from February 2 – 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012:
Game 1: Hong Kong, China 4 vs India 2
Game 2: Argentina 4 vs USA 4 (penalties 8:7)
Game 3: England 7 vs South Africa 6
Friday, February 3, 2012:
Game 4: France 5 : Brazil 2
Game 5: Australia 3 : Italy 3 (penalties 3:2)
Game 6: Chile 5 : New Zealand 3
Saturday, February 4, 2012:
Game 7: England 6 : Hong Kong, China 6 (penalties 2:0)
Game 8: South Africa 2 : Argentina 2 (penalties 3:2)
Game 9: USA 9 : India 4
Sunday, February 5, 2012:
Game 10: Chile 6 : France 2
Game 11: Brazil 7 : Australia 8
Game 12: Italy 4 : New Zealand 4 (penalties 2:3)
Monday, February 6, 2012:
Game 13: England 5 : USA 4
Game 14: Hong Kong, China 7 : Argentina 6
Game 15: South Africa 9 : India 2
As the players get used to the snow polo arena and the horses, the games are becoming increasingly intense.
In addition to the thrilling action on the field, the Snow Polo World Cup also features a Nordic Wonderland, showcasing winter amusements, ice sculptures, and musical entertainment, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience for spectators of all ages.
Information on“Fortune Heights Snow Polo World Cup 2012”
Opening hours: Gate opens at 11am
Match Time: 1pm to 4pm
Address: No.16 Hai Tai Hua Ke Ju Lu Bin Hai Gao Xin Qu, Tianjin 300384, China
Enquiry: (86) 22 2372 8877; email: vip@snowpoloworldcup.com
Official website: snowpoloworldcup.com