Mike Farah, right presenting $100,000 check to the Semper Fi Fund, one of the 25 different charities that the American Polo Association has helped.
If you are anywhere around sunny southern California On Sunday, October 14th, don’t miss the chance to be at the San Diego Surf Polo Club in Del Mar for their season final match which will also be a benefit for the Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame. A bastion of polo history in itself, this venue for polo is spectacular and they pull out all the stops to make it friendly, fun and exciting
Being played for the very first time on the west coast and sponsored by Mike Farah and the American Polo Association, the teams will be vying for the Museum’s Hall of Fame Challenge Cup. The names of the winners will be engraved on the trophy and kept on display in the Hall of Fame area of the Museum of Polo in Lake Worth, FL.
The Museum of Polo is unique and plays an important role in our polo culture. As a totally
independent non-profit organization funded exclusively by private donations, the Museum
counts on the generosity of the polo community and this kind of event to help continue in its
mission to collect, preserve and exhibit the history of our sport for today’s polo players and for
the generations of the future. A true monument to polo, it is the only Museum in the world
dedicated to the sport and houses the trophies, artwork, archives and other treasured
memorabilia that chronicle the epic history of “the last mounted war game.”
“Polo players, patrons and fans need to know this Museum is about them and for them. To be
able to have this event on the West Coast is a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness as well
as much-needed funds” states the Museum’s Executive Director George DuPont. “With the type
of fund-raising power that has been demonstrated by Farah and the APA, we are hopeful that
this will be a substantial benefit for the Museum. We appreciate their leadership in helping to
support polo, this Museum and the many other deserving charities. We urge everyone to come
out to show their support for the Museum and enjoy a great day of polo.”
According to Mike Farah, “The American Polo Association has jointly and individually given
more than 1 million dollars to 25 different charities. Just in the last two years, we held a Military
Polo Tournament raising $50,000 donated to the Women’s War Memorial at Arlington National
Cemetery, and the year before our Military Tournament resulted in a $100,000 donation to the
Semper Fi Fund benefiting the Marines in Southern California and Navy personal from the San
Diego Naval Base. All players playing in our Charity Matches donate their time, horses and
personnel as their personal commitment to charitable causes. We hope to make an impact for
the Polo Museum and encourage further support of that institution and their work that is
dedicated solely to the sport we all come here to enjoy.”
Please join us as the players take the field to challenge for the Cup. Advance donors of $500 or
more to the Museum in support of this event will be invited to attend a private dinner on Friday
evening, a Meet and Greet Barbeque on Saturday evening and VIP seating for the match on
Sunday. Donations can be made by calling the Museum at 561 969-3210 and saying it is for the
“San Diego “Match for the Museum” (checks and credit cards accepted) Tickets can be
purchased on line at sandiegosurfpolo.com/
(949) 244-5302 or the Museum of Polo at 561 969-3210 or. To learn more about the Museum of
Polo visit www.polomuseum.com