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Hanalei Bay takes home bronze trophies in the Fernando Gutierrez Memorial Cup (8-10 goal) finals.  Teammates (left to right) Krista Bonaguidi (-1), Matias Obregon (4), Mariano Fassetta (6), and Ron Bonaguidi (0) received them presented by Monique and Fernandito Gutierrez on the trophy stage.  Hanalei Bay won 13 to 10 over TriTech/Adeptus team of Colleen Wilson (0), Carlos Galindo (4), Gaston VonWernich (5), and Chris Maloney (1).

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Hanalei Bay’s own Ron Bonaguidi was the first to score and had two in the first chukker, and they started one goal up as handicap equalizer. Mariano Fassetta put two goals in as well.  Meawhile, TriTech/Adeptus was unable to get anything through the goal posts, leaving it 5 to 0 at the end of the first chukker.

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The second chukker opened with Bonaguidi scoring two goals back to back; now he has four in the game. TriTech/Adeptus’ Colleen Wilson was the first on the board for her team. Carlos Galindo scored two of his own but they still trailed Hanalei Bay 8 to 3.  Wilson’s horse, “Leo”, would go on to win Best Playing Pony at the end of the day.

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The third chukker opened with Fassetta scoring again.  It was answered by TriTech/Adeptus’ Gaston VonWernich scoring one for the green jerseys.  Hanalei Bay’s Matias Obregon got in his first goal of the game and they went to halftime leading 10 to 4, Hanalei Bay ahead.

After the divot stomp, the crowd saw Wilson score first, then Galindo moved TriTech/Adeptus up to 6.  Before the fourth chukker ended, Fassetta scored a lofting shot overhead of VonWernich guarding the goal, to give Hanalei Bay 11.

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The fifth chukker opened with a goal from VonWernich and another from Galindo, narrowing the gap for TriTech/Adeptus.  But Fassetta closed the chukker with another – his sixth goal of the game – to bring Hanalei Bay higher 12 to 8.

Obregon scored the lucky 13th goal for Hanalei Bay in the sixth chukker.  TriTech/Adeptus’ VonWernich fought for one more in.  And the clock was running down when Wilson scored at the buzzer – her third goal of the game.  It ended Hanalei Bay 13 vs. TriTech/Adeptus 10.

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Monique and Fernandito Gutierrez also presented bronze trophies to winners of the (0 – 4 goal) tournament, to La Pasion’s Alvaro Tadeo (3), Tracee Brunetti (-1), Lokesh Tantuwaya (0), and Jesse Bray (2), on the trophy stage joined by Harrison Samaniego who substituted last week.

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La Pasion fought a near even game to win 9 to 8 over Casa Blanca’s Reggie White (0), Ashton Wolf (2), Carlitos Galindo (3), and Ronai White (-1).  La Pasion started up 3 to 2 at the end of the first chukker, then tied 5 all at the second, and tied 6 all in the third.  In the last chukker, Casa Blanca’s Ashton Wolf had two goals bringing their total to 8, but the La Pasion team scored three goals and topped them at 9.  Alvaro Tadeo was high scorer with five goals in the game.

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Fernandito Gutierrez spoke to the crowd, a tribute honoring his father, following the trophy presentation.  The Fernando Gutierrez Cup finals presented by Gente Bien magazine included a fundraiser for Hospital Infantil de las Californias and $40,000 in prizes.  Talented singers from the Tijuana Opera and San Diego Opera opened ceremonies with binational anthems of Mexico and the United States.  The 80 Degrees band entertained the 7th chukker party crowds until sunset.

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See all the incredible tournament and social shots by Dominick Lemarie, San Diego Polo Club’s official photographer. Just click here.

Sunday Polo continues with The Rancho Valencia Cup and The Spreckels Cup, 6 goal and 12 goal polo, through October 4th.  Reserve your seats now!  Call 858-481-9217 ext. 10.

San Diego Polo Club

14555 El Camino Real

Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067


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