By Steve Crowder

The Face of Polo …  Nacho Figueras, who will be lead man in a huge event tomorrow at Will Rogers State Park right in the middle of the Stars. Nacho may well be the best spokesman and personality for the sport since Will Rogers passed away. Will is said to have said “Polo is the passport to the world” and Nacho is making it that way again from China to Chile. Someone knows about Polo because of the promotion that he does for the spark. He has been on TV several times here in California and some shows are national as he was on Access Hollywood on NBC last night and several talk shows in the area. So join the crowd and head to WILL ROGERS STATE PARK.  There will be 5,000 people to sit with you.  Polo people just say thank you when you see him …  he is the Face of Polo and a very nice man as well.


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