The heat is on, the horses are snorting and the players will be panting. After 7 months of growing grass its time to start tearing it up as that’s what their gonna do.

The Margarita league is in its 3rd very successful week and this Saturday starts the Pro Pool with ten doubles the first weekend and a few more getting ready for next week. It will be fun at San Diego Polo Club and they like to have a good time there. With Orange County Polo playing in the arena at San Diego there are lots of new faces and some of the OC group are ready to play polo on the grass. They do have some very talented players they say and the grass is just across the wall, so welcome Orange County and remember Shelley was also an OC Arena Player and now she is a real star on the grass. The pro pool is a great way to find out if you are ready for the speed with 6 chukkers and its not expensive, so ” DO IT ” if you can. If not, come to Kelly’s Tavern (Clubhouse bar) and talk about it!
See y .

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