White Birch is the 2006 East Coast Open Winner (2-1 record; +1net goals)

Airstream is the 2006 East Coast Open Runner Up (2-1 record; 0 net goals)

Magoo LaPrida received the Professional MVP Award of the Season
Peter Orthwein received the Amateur MVP Award of the Season
Medalla – Mariano Aguerre’s mare won the BPP of the Season

(All the above awards were voted on by all the players in the tournament)

Airstream defeated Endeavour 15-9.
4-2, 6-4, 9-4, 11-5, 13-8, 15-9.
Tomas Garcia del Rio scored 7 goals (6 penalties, 1 field)
Guille Aguero scored 4 field goals.
Michel Dorignac and Lucas Criado both had 3 field goals.

White Birch defeated Morgan Holland 13-11.
3-2, 5-3, 7-4, 9-8, 11-9, 13-11.
Mariano Aguerre scored 9 goals (5 penalties, 4 field)
Gaston Lisioli scored 5 goals (3 penalties, 2 field)

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