It was a great day for Polo and Golf and lots of Football. About Polo it was a picture perfect day in SB a ok crowd and first time we seen Jessie Bray play in the 6th but it was another Bray Day as he needed a goal to tie in the 6 th did it, in overtime it was well short Dayele backed the ball out of throw in JB scored end of it Film Fiance were in the game late after trailing by 5 . Much like the East Coast Open Marc Ganzi and Audi actually were leading by 8 to 1 in the early 3rd over White Birch but Uloah,Brant ,Agurie and young Magrini did not go home to cry they got a back to 9 to 4 at the half and won in OT by 12 to 11 so really shut down Audi Power in the last 1/2 it will be on NBC sports 9-17-16 they say. I assume young Magrini was born in the U.S. as I know the others are not, just wondering .
Here in the 3 o’clock game it was Mr Muse and Lucchese getting there 1st w as they stopped Gypsy Farm and Page Beard in the last 1/2 so head to round 3 with a 1 and 1 record. Lots of action in California as South Bay, San Diego and Will Rogers are all in action as we speak so come on out the Winter weather is still far away.
see ya

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