List of American Players and Handicaps
Updated Dec. 26.,09
By Steve Crowder
Patrons! Meet the Americans you may need one and here they are . . .
As the new rule becomes a rule in 2010 we are putting together a list of the players with US Passports. It might be a chance to see the bright lights for many players who are on the borderline of going Pro or going home to work. If you want to be involved let us know. There are probably a few not on this list due to not paying membership or Passport’s unknown. Or we just missed someone, so let me know who you are. Make sure you you have a US Passport and I will put your name up on this list.
I want to help everyone to make this work maybe it will work maybe not but it is worth a try before it all dies out.
Known U.S. Players with Passports as far as we know they all have one:
10 goals – none
9 goals
Mike Azzaro
Nick Roldan
8 goals
Julio Arellano
Memo Gracida
Adam Snow
Carlos Gracida
7 goals
Jeff Blake
Tom Biddle
Jeff Hall
Louis Escobar
Hector Galindo
Pablito Pieres
Owen Rhinehart
6 goals
Pelon Escapite
Kris Kampsen
Allen Martinez
Tiger Knece
5 goals
Anthony Garcia
Carlos Arellano
Brad Blake
Joe Casey
Jason Crowder
John Gobin
Julio Gracida
Shane Rice
Nick Manifold
Bill Walton
Charlie Muldoon
Valientin Casset
Brandon Phillips
Eddy Martinez
4 goals
Kimo Huddleston
Stewart Armstrong
Joe W Barry
Andy Busch
Carlos Galindo
Nicolai Galindo
Ruben Gracida
Willy Hartnett
Bill Mudra
Matias Obregon
Tomas Obregon
Steve Orthwein
Robert Payne
Dan Juarez
Nick Snow
Joe Stuart
Boone Stribling
Miguel Torres
Rob Yackley
Costi Casset
Del Walton
3 goals
Luis Galavan
Marcos Bignoli Jr
Oliver Butterworth
Robert Evans
Ulyess Escapite
John Flournoy
Craig Fraiser
Mark Guiterrez
Carlos Galindo Jr
John Eicher
Peter Cumming
Luis Echezarreta Richard Knoth
Robert Knoth
Sunny Hale
Joel Baker Dan Walker
Matt Walker
Cody Woodfin
Brad Limehouse
Brian Middleton
Ted Moore
James Seward
James Wroe
Santiago Torres
Tony Vita
Mike Matz
Nick Cifuni
Topo Mendez
2 goals
JB Olinger
Jesse Neubrit
Nick Winters
David Abrahams
Trevor Allen
Doug Blumenthal
Rick Bahr
Jeff Begg
Brad Biddle
Jessie Bray
Brad Blake
Will Boland
Peter Brant
Chris Briere
Tom Caleel
Art Cameron
Edgar Cato
Greg Chandler
Bruce Colley
Tom Collingwood
Chris Collins
William Crawford #3
David Crea
Tom Crea 2
Peter Dayly
Mark Daniels
James De anglis
Eric Dix
Travis Dix
Kevin Dix
Luis Echeverdi
Jeff Embow
Bayard Erb
Gene Evans
Brian Fairclough
Parker Flannery
Andrew Flint
Alex Gleason
Alex Gooding
Carlos Gracida Jr
Juan Jose Gonzalez
Toby Wayman
Weston Gracida
Ashton Wolf
Tim Green
David Hollliday
Allen Ingram
Orin Ingram
John Ingram
Will Johnston
Tim Jones
Dan Keating
Chris Kerley
David King
Charles Kircher
Dean Kleromonous
Joe Kneece
Robt. Knoth
Rob Kohler
Steve Kruger
Gary Leonard
Brad Limehouse
Will Limehouse
Adam Lindeman
Martin MacCarty
Rich Mansfield
Andy Maze
Colin McCosh
Mike Motimer
Joe Neave
Cody Offen
Robert Orthwein
Steve Orthwein
William Orthwein
Kristy Waters
James Parr
Rob Payne 3
Charlie Peterson
Mark Powers
Manny Questal
Domingo Questal
John M Ryan
John F Ryan 3
Brad Scherer
Mark Sedacca
Austin Sherskin
Billy Sheldon
Wesley Sinor
Dominic State
Chris Stratman
Will Tankard
Tom Thayer
Ryan Tongg
Bill Townsend
James Uihlien Jr
Rob Uihlien 3
Tom Uskup
Peter Von Gottard
Henry Walker
Jason Wates
Glen Waterson
Eric Wright
Also if you can’t get a hold of a pro, call me. I can help you track down phone numbers or a way to contact the players. or call 805-896-4406.
Brandon Phillips is listed here as carrying an American Passport, but in an article in Polo Magazine several months ago he states that he doesn’t have one. Clarification?
Think its great what you are doing, keep up the good work.
Don’t forget Kimo Huddleston!
This is excellent! Is Craig Fraser american or Zambian?
You need to add JB Olinger 540-349-4608. He is a 27 year old american 2out/3Arena pro from Virginia.
Hey Steve, you forgot to put me on the list. Not that I care all that much. Call me bach one of these days!
Missed a 7 goaler…Polito Pieres!
One missing…handicap 7…name: Pablo Pieres (h)
pablo pieres (h) handicup 7… american passport…