“Smokin” Joe Henderson and the Boot Ranch, owned by Bobbie and Blake Brush, hosted a clinic over 2 weekends in the first of October. Twenty students from all over the Pacific Northwest and 16 students the 2nd weekend were on and off the field for clinics, hitting and handling, horsemanship, chalkboard and chukkers.  Many of the students were returnees from the fall before as well as brand new players from a new club started by Tony and Claudia Tornquist in Vancouver B.C.  All meals were prepared by the hostess and many of the players camped right at the field, which is located in the Tampico area just outside of Yakima, Washington.   Weather was perfect for all the days and all students look forward to the next one.
For more information about this program,  contact Mrs Brush at blakeandbobbie@gmail.com
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