Tragedy struck the polo fields last Sunday, Nov. 5th, ’06, in Argentina. The highest rated player out of Chile, Gabriel Donoso, 46, was seriously injured in a fall during a practice game at the Centaros Polo Club in Pilar. Matías Mac Donough and Adam Snow were also playing in the same game when Donoso had his accident. Donoso was leaning out looking for the ball when his mare spooked at the post and he fell foward unable to break his fall with his hands to diminish the impact.

Donoso suffered a severe concussion and brain edema and his injuries are irreversable. He remains in grave condition with no changes.

Gabriel will go down in history as one of the most charming men around. He is a man who lived a fun filled life and he was a little wild, but always the life of a party or gathering. Gabriel was rated at 9 goals for quite a few years and was very popular on the European circuit and in the UK. He also came often to the U.S. and played polo mostly in Florida, but I believe he also played in the Northeast as well. Gabriel has a brother who is also a high goal player at 7 goals named Jose. Jose is said to be playing in Australia.

In some other sad news a bit closer to home Mrs. Gonzalez has been very ill here in Carpinteria, Ca. and has been on the verge of going, but keeps hanging on. I think you know a tough Lady, this is one who raised about 20 kids plus had about 12. Mrs. Gonzalez is the best-known Mom in the area. We wish her the best because someone has to control Chava. Our prayers are with these two polo families.

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