On Friday, February 12th, 2010 we hope you all will join us as we welcome into the polo Hall of Fame Julian Hipwood, posthumous inductee Lewis Lacey, posthumous Iglehart Award Winner “Big Joe” Muldoon, living Iglehart award winner Dave Rizzo and Horses to Remember, Red Ace and Khaki. The 21st Annual Hall of Fame Awards Gala will be held at the Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame in Lake Worth.
The festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a Cocktail and Champagne Reception and Silent Auction. A seated dinner follows, capped off by the awards presentation and dancing afterward. Tickets are $200.00 per person. Seating is limited so please make your reservations early. Reception hour Sponsor Station opportunities are also available and silent auction items are welcomed at this time. Please contact Brenda Lynn at the Museum of Polo: (561) 969-3210 or (561) 969-7015, fax: (561) 964-8299 or e-mail: polomuseum@att.net for further details, information and reservations.
We are now taking orders for the next phase of Walk of Fame Bricks to be installed in the next two weeks. Please contact Brenda at the Museum right away to reserve your place in polo history with a brick in the Museum’s Walk of Fame. There is also a special area designated for Intercollegiate/Interscholastic recognition. For further details, call Brenda (561) 969-3210, fax: (561) 964-8299, e-mail: polomuseum@att.net. Bricks are 8 x 8 and allow 5 lines, from 14 – 18 characters per line.
MESSAGE FROM STEVE ORTHWEIN –Please Support the Museum of Polo
Dear Fellow Polo Enthusiasts – The Museum’s mission of preserving the history and tradition of our sport and recognizing outstanding contributions to the game in the United States is very worthwhile. We continue to operate as frugally as possible while trying to fulfill our mission and get our message out, not only to the polo community but to the community at large. As you consider your charitable gifts for 2009, please keep the Museum in mind. Without your support we cannot continue our purpose. Thank you very much.
Stephen A. Orthwein, Chairman of the Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame.
Remember – the Museum of Polo is YOUR museum – there is no other facility in the world dedicated to preserving the art and artifacts that tell the story of American polo. For us to continue to do so, we need your help. If you would like to contribute to the Museum to help continue its mission of preserving the history and tradition of polo for the generations of t he future, please send your tax-deductible contributions now. We welcome gifts of cash, securities or other negotiable instruments. For further details, please call the Museum at (561) 969-3210. Please make checks payable to: The Museum of Polo and send to 9011 Lake Worth Road, Lake Worth, FL 33467.
The Museum of Polo is a 501 (c) 3, not-for-profit, educational organization. We exist solely through the generous donations of our contributors. Thank you for your support.
CONGRATULATIONS TO MAVOFFICE.COM, the winner of the Hall of Fame Challenge Cup played on Sunday, May 3rd, at 302 Polo (played as a 14-Goal Tournament).
How? Participate in the new Hall of Fame Challenge Cup Polo Tournaments. Clubs can host this USPA sanctioned tournament at any level from 2 goals to above. Proceeds from the entry fees will go to benefit the Museum of Polo & Hall of Fame – This is a great way to help support the Museum of Polo in its mission to preserve the history and tradition of our sport. All clubs and their players are encouraged to participate. Please contact Ed Armstrong, Tournament Director at the USPA at 1 (800) 232-8772 to apply.
Experience the History ~ the Tradition ~ the Thrill of the Sport. When in South Florida, we invite you to visit the Museum of Polo and Hall of Fame, a non-profit educational center created to preserve the history and tradition that surrounds the sport of polo.
Open Monday – Friday from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and in polo season (January – April) on Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Admission is free, donations are appreciated.