Polo around the planet starts right here in Santa Barbara Polo actually in Carpinteria , Ca anyway it was a great day Weather wise a sad day for sure in many ways as we all said Good by to a Grand Lady Mrs Joanne Berry  Wife of Ken Berry who has been a mainstay of SB Polo for 40 years and Mother of an awesome Lady named Denise . It was and is so sad to see Ken a Mountain of a Man and so tough brought down by losing a Wife and Friend of 50 years ! One can only Imagine how tough this must be . So sorry Ken and Joanne and Denise we will miss her so much as well.

The World keeps turning and Joanne would have seen this way from Her corner box in the North side smiling and knowing everyone who walked by.

The games were good but a bit one sided to say the least Lucchese came out hot and kept on burning as they fried Fand M to send them to 0 and 2 . Then the Family stuff started Yesterday it was Mrs Hanna beating honey Julio also her husband today it was young gun Jake Klentner replacing Ben Solemoni thrashing his Dad and Klentner Ranch as RH is winning on both sides of the pond as RH goes to the semis in the UK British Open and here in the Robert Skeene headed to 2nd round at 1 and 0 and well Jake is sleeping in the Tack room  for a day or two.. Across the Country it was old Stud Mariano Gonzalez stopping  another old flavor Matias Magrini in the finals of the Silver Cup a tournament which was here until we fell to 16 goals.

In the really Big one in the UK and the British Open in Midhurst, England at gorgeous Cowdray Park it was a couple of Yanks dueling it out as Bob Jornayvaz and Valiente took on Michael Bickford and La Indiana and came out in 2nd place and were knocked out of the semis quite handily as the two best players in the World took each other on and Facu Pieres won this one with La Indiana and Americas best player Nic Roldan with Mr Bickford and a young Aussie who’s father Anto White played many years here in SB so they head to the semis on Wed. and take on an all English team El Ramanso  and the other side has another Yank Ben Solemoni and his Restoration Hardware team taking on La Bamba De Areco also featuring 2 of the Argentina Open champs Nero and Sterling so lots of Polo everywhere. In WY where Ski Johnston probably has the most beautiful club in the World many of the Worlds best players are in action in an atmosphere not met anywhere so amazing period..                                                                                                                                           So Wednesday will be a big day in Polo  as the semis in Midhurst and here in SB RH without Ben will take on Francisco De Narvaez and his Sol de Agosto both at 1 and 0 @ 4 pm hopefully Jake gets some sleep..

So Long Mrs Berry and stand Tall Ken you know Joanne would say that .

see ya @ POLO

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