Poway Polo Tournament Schedule for 2009

The First Poway tournament is Sat. May 23rd.  Poway tournaments will start at 10 AM first game.
Let me know if you want to bring teams or mix players from all clubs for games. Once I know who is coming I can send out the balance of the schedule, hopefully at least 3 games per tournament.
Student, 0 goal & Open – can set level to accommodate all players. Cost is $50 four chukkers, $30 two chukkers includes lunch and drink. Rental Horses on a first reserved basis, so let me know ASAP.

The balance of our season is as follows:
Sun. July 5
Sat. July 25 – this date may change if Poway takes a 2 week polo trip to Northern Calif. the last 2 weeks of July
Sat. Aug. 15
Sat. Sept. 5
Sat. Oct. 10
Sat. Nov. 7

Russ Sheldon

home 858 748-7037
Fax 858 679-9640
cell 619 206-8344

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