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PoloZONE Offers Syndication of Polo Content Via Facebook

PoloZONE has made it even easier to share articles with your friends and fans on facebook.   Simply click on the blue “f Share” button and you can post the articles on your own facebook page.  At the bottom of each article there are additional tools and buttons to share the same articles on other social networks.

All PoloZONE articles are set-up in an rss feed.  This allows for easy syndication of our content to facebook, twitter and to other social networks.  If you would like your club news to appear on PoloZONE and in a format (rss feed) for easy syndication on other social networks, simply email  We can insert your club’s news into PoloZONE for inclusion in our syndiation service. PoloZONE offers free news service to polo clubs across the country and around the world.

For more information on PoloZONE’s free news service for polo clubs or about our syndication and news feed service, contact Lynn Bremner at

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