The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder

… and head to round 3. The Canadian Rockies are still on fire with the “Mariano’s” as they came from behind, but still did it. They took the Win today in Palm Beach.

Young Gun Julian Mannix and older Brother Fred have people looking up as they march toward a chance for the first 26-goal Cup of 2011. Good luck to them as Both Mannix’s and Mariano Gonzalez all had a lot of ties with the Desert for years and are Sons of Mr. Fred Mannix, longtime player and head Honcho of the Fish Creek operation. In other action in PB 26 it was Bendabout cooking Grand Champions.

See ya

Hawks vs. Zacara. Photo by Ami De La Mer of

Zacara vs. Hawks. Photo by Ami De La Mer of

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