The ponies have arrived at the club after their winter holiday in the desert, and are gearing up for the first day of lessons—Thursday, April 8th.  Introductory/beginning lessons (taught by Billy Ramos) will be at 5:00.  We are pleased to have Kimo Huddleston, a 4-goal pro from Hawaii who has played here at the club for the past few years, who will be teaching the 6:00 intermediate/advanced lessons as well as giving the private arena and grass lessons.  He and our polo manager, Graham Bray, will oversee the school and lesson program this year.

A new, friendly face on the school scene this year is Charlotte Platzer, who will be coordinating the lessons and tournaments.  Charlotte comes to us from England where she has been involved in polo at her University.  So when you get a message on your phone with a lovely English accent, that would be from Charlotte.  She is very enthusiastic and knowledgeable about horses and polo, and I’m sure you will enjoy getting to know her this season.  Please call her at (858) 481-9217 extension #14 to sign up for your lesson.

We have added some bonuses this year to our lesson program.  When you sign up for a 6-pack of lessons, you will also receive a social membership.  We encourage all of you to participate in our club activities—from Sunday polo to our Tiki Bar parties.  By the way, because so many of you have asked for it, our Tiki Bar will be open on Tuesday nights as well as Thursdays.  So, now you can come to the bar after your classes and chukkers and have a drink or two with your fellow teammates.

I look forward to seeing you here at the club.  Here’s to a safe and fun season for you all.

Heather Chronert
San Diego Polo Club

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