It was a fine day for men in Yellow helmets as two old favorites proved it is not Adios yet Milo Arajuo was the big stick in the UK Finals of the QUEENS Cup and led his team to a very big title and over here in Santa Barbara it was another famous yellow Hat winning the Pope Challenge as he led the Cobras to their first US title with Son Julio at his side and two very hard charging Patrons from I think Monterrey , Mex. Alvaro Fernandez and Isac Sepuheda who are fast becoming the favorite crowd pleaser’s in town with their aggressive style Mansour also was a big winner in SB as they shut down Colrados Cottrel farms have not heard what happened in San Diego yet other than it was a huge crowd a guy called me on how to take a shortcut as it was a long line so must have been fun . No one knows who won the Polo yet though

see ya

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