The Polo Report
By Steve Crowder
Feb. 25th ’10

Yes … they still print the news and maybe we better start reading it. Why? It seems our Politicians and their global warming may be the same as the rest of their BS. It has been a very cold winter in Florida which just happens to be as close to the equator as you can get on the mainland U.S. So tell the lying fellows in Washington DC to look outside and to see all that tropical snow there. I really think we have come to a point where nobody understands our Government and unfortunately many do not care anymore. You look at the past 18 months. We had a major financial setback all created by the big banks and their greed.  Guess what? Our Politicians bail the very people out that put us in this situation to begin with.  Fourteen months later the bank executives and other companies who were bailed out are getting 30 billion in bonuses. We could have took that money and hired millions of Americans to build and fix real things like roads, bridges, schools, dams and maybe a jail for rouge bankers and congressmen. If 600 billion or even the 30 billion in bonuses was flowing through the pockets we might see the light and get some back. If that is not bad business what is?  Now they are saying we have to cut education spending by billions so we can become a third world country in two decades and become completely uneducated. We vote for people like our fine California House Speaker. We have education cuts of millions of dollars while she spends 5 million a year just flying back and forth to DC and back every week. That alone would fix Santa Barbara Counties deficit for teachers. Add about 20 more of the expenses of these Government leaders and we probably solve the problem.  Maybe they should try South West Air or American Airlines. Like the new Health Plan.  If they want to implement it they should have to use it as well. If we are going to pay for it and it is their idea then why do they have a separate plan… same as their retirement plan. Why? We let them do it. JUST THINK ABOUT IT.

It is just my opinion and everyone has one even Diane F.  Speaker of the House.

See ya.

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